The best package for puppies!
4 x 30 minute visits over 4 weeks. Will involve meeting us and having cuddles, desensitisation of noises and equipment, running through the process of a groom and having a good play!
On the 5th visit on the 5th week, puppy will have their first puppy groom. All prices are subject to an additional 20% VAT charge. VAT registered: 348 872 258
Take the worry and stress out of your pups participation on your wedding day!
We can totally spoil, pamper and spruce your furry family member prior to your wedding day. We can transport to a local destination and assist with photographs. Options are also available for boarding and home sitting from reputable providers.
Your package is totally bespoke and we can make it just right for you and your dog.
*Price subject to requirements and boarding.